

To become a member of the Northern Tibetan Spaniel Club, please complete the application form, available from the club secretary or by clicking here.

Membership Fees

The annual membership fees are:
Single: £5.00
Joint: £7.00
Junior: 50p

Membership fees are to be paid 1st February each year. Membership shall be granted, subject to confirmation at the committee meeting following receipt of the application form and fee. In the interim, applicants can enjoy full members’ privileges, with the exception of voting rights. Voting rights will commence once full membership has been served for a continuous period of 12 months.

Submission & Payment

Completed application forms should be sent to:
Richard Lemon, Vale Boarding Kennels, Warren Vale, Rawmarsh, Rotherham, S62 7SS

Cheques made payable to: Northen Tibetan Spaniel Club

BACS transfer to:
Sort Code: 20-72-67 Account No: 00671304

Standing order mandate available here